For those in the Northern Hemisphere, I hope your summer season is bringing you opportunities for rest, play, and wild creativity. We’re also seeing unprecedented heatwaves and too many fires around the world even in the Arctic and send prayers to all those impacted. It’s hard to deny the impact of climate change and my heart breaks for our beloved planet and all beings–human and the more-than-human world.
We are in the midst of radical change on a global scale and for those of us who are empathic, we are feeling this deeply. I vacillate daily between a desire to hide on one hand, and on the other, a call to action on a larger scale. Consider the social movements of the 20th century. But if we truly desire to work “Toward an Interspiritual World,” a world that is just, peaceful, and ecologically sustainable, there will be some birthing pains along the way. Remember to breathe deeply and tap into the creativity you were born with no matter what that looks like for you. This will be essential for your overall well being and contribute to the betterment of our world.
So, I was very inspired during my time with the Mile Hi community last month where my show will be on display through September 30. This is such a beautiful, heart-centered community and a model for these times around radical inclusivity, evolutionary consciousness, and faith in action. It was also very affirming of my work and returned home committed to this journey that began 15 years ago. This may require me to make some personal changes and listening for guidance on that. More to come. In the meantime, I am grateful to all those who I had the opportunity to speak with and to those who purchased originals and other sacred art goodies.
I believe most of us realize on some level that we are at a crossroads. “We can continue on the path we have been on, in this nation that privileges profit over people and land; or we can unite as citizens with a common cause–the health and wealth of the Earth that sustains us.” -Terry Tempest Williams, from The Hour of Land.
May it be so.