
About her soul symbol mandala, The Seeker: “This is probably the most important gift I’ve ever been given…Other than the birth of Hannah (her daughter). I hope you know that and I’m sure everyone that you have ever done this for feels much the same way. It’s truly humbling. It’s such a moving experience to have someone else transcribe your heart and life onto a canvas. I wish everyone could experience it.” -Karen Gatens

“I have to tell you that I just cried when I saw your painting [Reciprocity Mandala]. I feel my dear ones from Braiding Sweetgrass, so very much alive here, so loved. It is so whole. The love and the grief…the glimpse of salamanders, the radiance of goldenrod and asters….This is really magnificent and I am so touched by your creation. This is our work, together-to reciprocate the beauty of the world with beauty of our own. I am so grateful.” –Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants.

In response to my art installations: Amy Livingstone has a true gift—she transforms cutting-edge environmental challenges into authentic emotions and beauty. Sharing her art at numerous academic events, she has helped advance community knowledge through well-researched issues and creative expressions. Often interactive, her large and small-scale art installations have been important contributions to our college and non-profit events and we miss her! -Kim Smith, Ph.D., Sociology Instructor, Portland Community College, and GPSEN Co-Founder.

“There is no doubt in my mind that your Art links all of Creation with man’s relationship to it. . . . I just want you to know that your Art resonates with everything I value in God’s Creation and my relation to it.” -Christopher Frey, Professor Emeritus of Theology, Lund University, Sweden

Regarding the Interspiritual World Tree limited-edition print: “It is a beautiful portrayal of the transformation of spiritual life, a transformation spoken in many languages, represented by the symbols of the various traditions. . . .I am grateful to you for the devoted spirit that shines through your work. I have looked for art that would speak to both me and my clients of what we do, art that might evoke an openness to grace. Your work and this piece do that beautifully. Thank you, and may you be held by Peace.” -David Gormong, Spiritual Director, Spiritual Guidance Training Institute, Chicago.

“I got to see your beautiful paintings when we were at a meeting at Providence St. Vincent Hospital not too long ago. They’re deeply moving and the love your pour into all your work is so evident in them. They completely transform that space and bring an energy of peace and serenity.” –Liathana Dalton, Co-Chair of the Interfaith Council of Greater Portland

“Thank you so very much for being the conduit and source of art and light for my soul mandala. I cannot begin to express how much the mandala has touched a chord in me. There is a feeling of immense and infinite love and calmness that I feel with the mandala. So thank you so much. I am truly grateful.” –Patti Lee, Hope Mandala

“I wanted to thank you again for your beautiful contributions to the {Economics of Happiness} conference, the nature mandala, the alter, and the ceremony at the end. It was such a pleasure to watch the mandala emerge over the weekend as the participants worked on it little by little. It had a unifying and creative power that was truly unique and added another layer of connectedness that we haven’t had at previous conferences. We’re very grateful to you for that and it has inspired us to include similar elements at future gatherings.” -Kristen Steele, Associate Programs Director, Local Futures/International Society for Ecology and Culture

“I was moved by your work at the Climate Arts gathering Saturday. Thank you for all you do, and for sharing your insights about this work with me. . .  Keep doing the beautiful work you do. . .”talking back to all that darkness” with your powerful visions.” –Kim Stafford, Poet

“How good to see the gifts of an artist brought into service of life on Earth.” –Joanna Macy

“Wow!!! We love it! It is so amazingly awesomely beautiful.” –Gershon Winkler, author Magic in the Ordinary: Recovering the Shamanic in Judaism (Inspiration for the Wheel of the Four Winds painting)

“I saw your paintings on the Abbey and the Arts website, and had to visit your website to see more. The longer I look, the more I drop into a space of contemplation. Your work is a powerful testament to our endangered earth and the need for everyone to wake up and make changes in their lives to protect our Mother Earth.” –Leslie Stanick

“Amy’s work lives and breathes in the deep place where beauty is celebrated and the world’s pain is not forgotten. It’s the territory of profound healing.” -Deb Rodney, Director of Journey into the Creation

“Reading how you have made such a conscious decision to follow your heart and be an instrument of the Divine in bringing forth beauty and truth through your art, I am feeling inspired and uplifted. This is where we speak of fulfillment in a life spent being true to the Muse and the inner Guide. You are certainly letting the light shine through all your creative activities!” –Barbara Buckingham Hayes

“Amy Livingstone’s sacred art moves in and through me as a soul thread—weaving me deep into beauty and the great fabric of life on planet earth. I am moved both to tears and despair, bliss and inspiration and bow to her as the brush that Spirit uses to express itself through her.” –The late Rev. Jayna Gieber, Dharma Teacher in Thich Nhat Hanh’s Order of Interbeing.

“I love my Rose Mandala. It watches over my clients and contributes to the peaceful beauty in my office. It’s one of the best things I’ve done for myself, commissioning you to paint a mandala for me.” -Christina Rose

“I was very touched by the expressions of the deep connection to the earth, to the past, and to all living beings.  It was all I could do to keep from sobbing when thinking about the horrible destruction we’ve caused to our planet and the harm we’ve done (and continue to do) to all living beings. It was a powerful evening for me. Thanks for the “re-awakening” to a way of being and a perspective which I’ve drifted away from for far too long.” -Joanna, attendee at the Return to the Garden installation

“I am inspired by your art and your journey. Just wanted to let you know that there is another soul out here that looks forward to your Facebook posts and seeing your new art pieces.”  -Dr. Shawn Kafader, LCPC

“Thank you, simply for who you are! For ‘getting it’! For knowing what our society has lost, what is wrong with it and where we need to go to heal it. And simply for being who you are as a soul, as a human being and as an artist! Your work is wonderful. I love your colors, your imagery, your words and your message.” -Reinhard Hopperger, responding to Progressive Spirit Interview

“I was drawn to the cover of a magazine as I walked aimlessly through PCC before my testing. The color you used on your Buddha piece gave me a sense of peace and calm, the exact feeling I was trying to have when I meditated before my test. I’ve picked up Alternatives magazine before, but this issue is different. I believe seeing your artwork was a sign to continue following my dreams and spirituality, as I am an Artist as well. I consider myself more of a Spiritual person than religious and take the time to meditate and balance my chakras daily. Your artwork is beautiful and has inspired me to go home and finish my unfinished piece after my testing. Your art is an inspiration. Thank you!”  -Esperanza

“I just watched your blog video [Journey into the Creation] on making your painting. It was beautiful and inspired my heart. Thank you for the words of hope, wisdom, and joy!”  –Allen

“Happened upon your website in a circuitous way and just wanted to say that I was very moved by your paintings, especially the tributes to your mother and brother. I also lost a brother to AIDS, over 25 years ago. I feel inspired now to revisit my long-ago yearnings to create some kind of memorial via art for him.  I also liked very much the painting of your mother’s wedding dress. A wonderful concept for a memorial—somehow it spoke volumes of the essence of your mother. Thank you for this inspiration. (My family also had a very beloved red house in New Hampshire—though that was a secondary connection to the immediate one I felt upon seeing this painting, it served to create an even deeper connection to the spirit of your art.) I do not often write these kinds of letters to something I come across on the internet, but I felt compelled because I don’t know as artists always hear the unique ways their work touches others and how deeply valuable their particular vision can be in the emotional lives of others. Thank you for your work!”  -Karen

“I just found your Harvest Moon Mandala via a blog post, which then beckoned me to came check out your website. I’m so happy to have found you. I just wanted to drop a line saying hi and that I am in awe by the beautiful energy I sense just from reviewing your studio on-line. Thank you! Let Love Light The Way” –Heather

“I wanted to let you know how much beauty I see and feel in your work. I am particularly drawn to your interpretation of the Inka/Andean path. I love the Eagle and Condor image. This is a beautiful website and your lovely energy reaches out to those whom visit. Much Munay,” –Leslie

“This new work you’ve showcased is so beautiful and compelling. Thanks for sharing your inquiry into the Islamic window of art and living. The Tree of Life has been meaningful for me and has so many associations of wholeness, connectedness, unity, marriage of earth & sky etc, and seeing your image tonight brings it back to my consciousness.” –Concetta

“Your works are magnificent! Thanks for creating such beauty! –Bernadette King, Building Beautiful Souls

Luminous Visionary:
awesome work
immaculately tuned into the ‘Divinity’ theme
you are a brilliant light
and we are honoured to share your work
in the new Journal
endless thanks for being on our team
–Delvin, Alex and Allyson Grey
CoSM Journal

“I love your work and am so glad you are on the planet.” -Mary Lou Dauray, Environmental Artist

“Your work is not only beautiful, it practically emotes off the screen.” –Melissa Dodson, founder Grief Rites